
Eerikkilä Sport & Outdoor Resort


Eerikkilä is located in the south of Finland, only one hour´s drive from the cities of Helsinki, Tampere and Turku. Area is called Tammela. Nearest city is Forssa, 20 km away.

Eerikkilä Sport & Outdoor Resort
Urheiluopistontie 138
31370 Eerikkilä (Tammela)
p. +358 201 108 200

Eerikkilä is near

Eerikkilä Sport & Outdoor Resort

Urheiluopistontie 138

31370Eerikkilä (Tammela)

100 km from Turku 100 km from Helsinki 240 km from Jyväskylä 320 km from Vaasa 120 km from Tampere

How to get to Eerikkilä

Eerikkilä has a central location and is easy to reach by bus and car. Our staff will help you in questions concerning travelling.

By Car

From Helsinki

Road nr. 2 (Pori) after approx. 100 km follow the sign “Eerikkilän Urheiluopisto” (turn right from the road nr. 2).

From Turku

Road nr. 10 (Hämeenlinna), after approx. 90 km follow the sign Helsinki (road nr. 2), after 20 km drive follow the sign “Eerikkilän Urheiluopisto” (turn left).

From Tampere

Road nr. 3 (Helsinki), after approx. 30 km turn to road nr. 9 (Turku) until you reach the junction to road nr. 2, heading to Helsinki. After 40 km drive follow the sign “Eerikkilän Urheiluopisto” (turn left).

Public transport


There is a regular busstraffic from Helsinki towards Pori direction (road no 2). Nearest bus stop is called “Eerikkilä th”. It is situated four kilometres away from Eerikkilä. We can pick up you from the bus stop. Please, reserve your ride latest one day before arriving from our reception.

Matkahuolto timetables

Closest station is in Humppila, located about 40 km from Eerikkilä. From Humppila (road no 2) you can catch buss towards Helsinki and hopp off at the “Eerikkilä” th”.


All the biggest airports (Helsinki, Tampere and Turku) are located within 90 minutes drive from Eerikkilä. From Helsinki City Center you can continue by buss to Eerikkilä.


Harbours of Helsinki and Turku are also located within 90 minutes drive from Helsinki.



Services nearby

Eerikkilä and its surrounding areas offer a lot to see and do.


Sport and nature experiences within your reach

In Eerikkilä you can train and practice as much – or little – as you wish, whether it's sports and activities, or relaxing leisure time you are searching for.



We look after the environment with everyday acts. We advocate for the local community. We cherish the well-being of our customers and personnel.


Accommodation and restaurant

Rest and nutrition are the cornerstones of well-being